Here are 5 tips for smart snacks that you may find useful.
1. Recognize how carbohydrates affect your sugar.
Eating smart snacks begins with understanding how your body responds to insulin and carbohydrates. It is important to know the type and amount of carbohydrates you eat to avoid potentially dangerous spikes or drops in blood glucose. Some types of carbohydrates can cause a higher postprandial rise in blood glucose than others. For example, foods and beverages such as white flour pasta, bread and sugary carbonated beverages cause a sharp rise in glucose levels. Do not forget to measure the amount of carbohydrates in the snack that you will consume, throughout the meal and give the appropriate dose of insulin.
2. Plan
It’s not easy, but try to resist the urge to run to the nearest vending machine. Avoid hunger by preparing a healthy snack to have with you at work, in the car or in your bag. Not only does preparing a healthy snack help manage glucose levels, but it is also ideal for your wallet and figure.
Have healthy options at home, such as raw almonds, hard-boiled eggs, blueberries and chopped raw vegetables in your fridge (you are more likely to choose them if they are ready to eat – try a low-fat side dish).
Avoid buying unhealthy snacks that are high in calories and fat, such as chips and cookies. If there is always food around you at work, avoid eating an unhealthy snack by taking a break at another place or eating the ready-made healthy snack you have with you from home.
3. Make the right choices
Look for snacks that will help you achieve your daily goals on carbohydrates, while also satisfying your personal preferences. Unless you have low blood sugar, healthy snacks should consist of a combination of protein and carbohydrates, such as an apple with peanut butter, whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese or low-fat cottage cheese, options that do not will cause sharp spikes in your blood sugar and keep you fuller. An apple or an orange, a boiled egg or 15 almonds are just a few examples of healthy snack choices.
4. Pay attention to the size of your portion
Portion control is the key and without it, these light snacks can end up having as many calories as a meal, destroying your blood sugar regulation and helping you gain weight. Already prepared snacks in individual portions, can help you keep the portions under control.
5. Eat conscientiously
Think before you eat. Are you really hungry or just bored? Snacking recklessly out of boredom or in front of the TV is a surefire way to gain weight and stop meal planning as well as diabetes management goals. This does not mean that you will never be able to eat your favorite snacks in front of the TV. Just make sure you choose a healthy option that is in a specific – individual portion size.
Source: Medtronic