CareLink™ Personal Software
Treatment management software for people with diabetes
CareLink™ Personal is a free online software that lets you download devices for your diabetes and view history data as it is recorded in graphs, charts and reports. These reports can help you understand the effects of insulin doses, eating habits, regular exercise and medication on your glucose levels and are key to improving your diabetes management. By looking at this information in the form of charts, graphs and charts, you can better identify the patterns and issues that in turn will help you explain the root cause of your low and high blood glucose levels.Βλέποντας αυτές τις πληροφορίες σε μορφή διαγραμμάτων, γραφημάτων και πίνακα, μπορείτε να εντοπίσετε καλύτερα τα πρότυπα και τα θέματα που με τη σειρά τους θα σας βοηθήσουν να εξηγήσετε τη βασική αιτία των χαμηλών και υψηλών επιπέδων γλυκόζης στο αίμα σας.
CareLink™ Personal software is free. All you need is Internet access and a CareLink™ connection device (CareLin™ USB or blood glucose meter).
Contact your customer service team at 800-11-638-66 for more information on how to get your CareLink docking device.